Membership is open to ALL firefighters, active or retired, volunteer, career or industrial, who have access to a motorcycle and hold a valid motorcycle drivers licence. Spouses, members’ children, boy/girlfriends, brothers/sisters and mother/fathers are also welcome as Social Members.
Membership Categories
ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP (and MALs) shall be available to any active, retired, or disabled firefighter owning or having access to a motorcycle and holding a valid motorcycle endorsement license. Paid or volunteer firefighters, Auxiliary members, Brigade and military firefighters are all eligible to be active members and shall be treated equally. They may hold any Office on the committee.
SOCIAL MEMBERSHIP shall be available to the spouse, partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, or other relative of an Active Member or Associate Member.
JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP shall be available to Children (15 years old and under) who are related to Active Members.
ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP shall be offered to any person who has been proposed in writing for such membership, has contributed to the promotion of the Chapter for a minimum of six months, and wishes to participate in association activities. Final approval shall be by majority vote of the association at the meeting held at the end of the six month period. Associate members will not exceed 10% of the existing active members.
FD ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP is available to any person who is an employee / volunteer of a Fire department and not qualified for Active membership, this type of associate membership shall not be restricted to the 10% rule as stated above and will be recorded as a FD Associate in the chapter and master rosters of the Organization.
HONORARY MEMBERSHIP may be granted to a member of a recognized religion for the position of Chapter Chaplain. Honorary Membership may also be granted to a civic or business leader who does volunteer work for the association. An Honorary Member shall not hold an elected Chapter Office or vote in Chapter affairs.
Membership Annual Dues and Taxes
All members are required to pay Annual Dues which covers membership to the International (RKIFMC) and to the Chapter (excluding MALs). These can vary, depending on the Chapter, and are due on the 31st Dec every year. Prices may also be different depending on the category of membership.
When a Chapter coordinates a ride, they generally charge a Ride Tax which is either put to the running of the Chapter, but generally goes to the Chapters chosen charity. This to can also vary depending on the Chapter, but is usually around $5, and is paid on the day.